Expert as a Service for Optimization

Expert as a Service for Optimization

JijZept is the cloud service that makes optimization calculations simple, quick, and easy.


JijZept makes Quantum Ising Model more practical

JijZept is the ONLY cloud service to make mathematical models simple and efficient.

Solutions for common Mathematical Optimization trouble

Model Implementation Formulas written on paper or LaTeX don’t match the programing language.
”JijModeling” Modeling tool that resembles numeric Formulas “JijModeling” interface makes users write Mathematical Models directly, and interactively using tools like Jupyter Notebook
Changing code by solvers Users using multiple solvers have to change a lot of code depending on the solver they use.
Supports multiple solvers JijZept can support many hardware solvers for optimization. You only have to change one line of code. Supported device: D-Wave, Fujitsu DA, Microsoft QIO
Tuning for each solver
・Data processing is troublesome when converting to QUBO
・There are many parameters when tuning the solver parameters, and I don’t know how to adjust them.
APIs for Mathematical Optimization Provides fluent and efficient APIs to maximize the solver's performance.
Evaluating and Testing Solvers Collecting and managing each result is difficult. Summarize the results in a diagram takes so much time
”JijBenchmark” a comprehendible benchmark
Users can easily find out the solver which best matches their problems.
Each solver’s benchmarks can be easily obtained. No need for additional coding to compare between solvers.
Environment Setups Setting up a development environment is difficult. Not sure whether my company has enough networking power.
Providing a cloud development environment JijZept has a cloud environment already set up so users can start using it right away.

Free contents

Extensive documentations
Extensive documentations
Documents will support users to get started with Mathematical Optimization in JijZept. After you get your JijZept account, the document below will show you how to set subscriptions and get started
Tutorial of Mathematical Optimization
Tutorial of Mathematical Optimization
JijZept has plenty of tutorials not just for theoretical mathematics, but also for Practical problems, which can be used to train Mathematical talent.

Service Plans

Entry Plan
This plan includes:
information on services
Environment Setup
○Technical Support
email support
Standard Plan
This plan includes:
information on services
Environment Setup
○Designed Installation
 Design customers Goal
 Design developing plan
○Technical Support
 email support
 Regular interviews about the product
Custom Plan
This plan includes:
information on services
Environment Setup
○Designed Installation
 Design customers Goal
 Design developing plan
○Technical Support
email support (customizable)
Regular interviews about the product
Please contact us if you are interested in using JijZept.

Case Studies

Toyota Tsusho Corporation・Microsoft Azure Quantum QIO・Jij
Category: Traffic signal control optimization
This optimization aimed to find the optimal signal pattern that would minimize the waiting time for cars on the road and allow cars to flow smoothly at intersections without stopping at traffic lights. This study was published in The Wall Street Journal.

Inquiry about JijZept

  • How to use JijZept
  • Inquire about the price of a customized plan
  • JijZept Usage Fee Estimate

Teaching materials for introduction to mathematical optimization (Japanese only)